The little clean energy friends are working |
With the intention to clarify and expand the significance of the solar energy, Norm Enerji organized a painting competition for the children, the energy and adults of the future, under the theme “Global Warming and Solar Energy Practices”.
Wishing to attract attention on global warming, environmental pollution and renewable energies, Norm Enerji organized a painting competition among the primary education students. We talked to İbrahim Erkan YENEN, the Acting Manager of Norm Enerji Sistemleri Ltd. Company who said that they want to make the children conscious about the clean energies, about this important social responsibility project.
1- How was the “Global warming and solar energy practices” painting competition idea born? What do you intent to achieve with this competition?
Unfortunately it is not possible to say that our country places sufficient emphasis on the global warming, environmental pollution and renewable energy issues. Perhaps, it seems expensive in the first place, we have no idea. Yet this is not the case, first of all the costs are probably below the European costs. Secondly, it is also confirmed by the relevant authorities that a one unit investment made on the consumption part provides 3 units of investment saving on the production and transmission part of the government. We thought it would be useful to organize this campaign in order to be able to make the society conscious about the environmental protection and energy independence. The objective of the competition is to make our children, the future of our country, conscious about clean energies. In such a period, when the prices of petroleum and natural gas which we totally supply from out of the country are rapidly increasing, there was a need to come up with and introduce the free and unlimited clean energy matter. As Norm Enerji Sistemleri Ltd., we made it a mission to make this happen. We wanted to introduce the future’s energies to our children and establish these practices and show everyone that they are attainable and applicable. Perhaps the adults will see it too, what do you think?
2- Would you please tell us about the content of the competition?
The content of the paintings that will take part in the competition will include “Global Warming and Solar Energy Practices”. Actually, we try not to impose great deal of limitations. What matters to us is to get to as many people as we can and to draw their attention to the matter. We receive such designs and slogans that could possibly arouse jealousy among the professional advertisers. It is obvious that they make good observations of their environment, which showed us that we were right to take them into account and made us feel confident. We set off with a message; YOU CAN’T TEACH AN OLD NEW TRICKS… We know that discipline and education must be started at young ages and that habits are more easily picked up at young ages. Therefore, we consider the views and proposals of our little clean energy friends and thank all the participants. |
3- Who will participate in the competition? What are the terms of participation? What is the deadline for participation?
_ Students in 7-14 age groups from formal/private primary education and middle education institutions may participate.
_ Students may participate on their own behalf as well as on behalf of their schools.
_ They may send as many paintings or caricatures as they wish without being subject to any limitations.
_ Each student may get prepared for the competition with his/her advisor teacher or guardian.
_ This competition can be applied for from Turkey and Northern Cyprus.
_ The paintings with appropriate themes will be examined by the editor and put to display.
_ All publishing rights of the delivered works solely belong to us.
_ It is prohibited to use, duplicate, publish or copy the works we have published.
_ The incoming paintings are published on our web site and put to voting.
_ Assessment voting is carried out through the internet environment and our web site and is open to everyone.
_ Our communication address for assessment and voting is www.normenerji.com.tr.
_ The deadline for participation is June 1st, 2008.
_ The results of the competition shall be announced on our web site by June 10th, 2008.
_ We have no commitment other than free granting of the awards won.
_ The supporters of the campaign and their relatives or friends cannot participate in the competition.
_ Anyone who has filled in the application form shall be deemed to have accepted all the competition terms in advance.
4- How do you announce this competition (web, press etc.)? Which firms/institutions provide support for the competition?
We started with our own means and resources without receiving any professional support. We announced our competition on the student and teacher based web sites through the clean energy e-mail groups. As for the supporting firms and institutions; I want to emphasize that we organized this competition without getting any material or moral support from any official institution. There are internet sites containing information/news content about the dedicated institutions that supported the competition; www.fenokulu.net for technical resources and presentations; www.alternaturk.org and www.otomasyonhaber.net for publicity and promotion activities; www.tuncmatik.com for provision of the uninterrupted power supplies to be granted as awards; www.gunesenerji.com, the sectoral expertise fair for exhibitions; all of whom have not spared their efforts for our activity. Indeed, we received very positive reactions in a very short period of time. Many people, both those we know and those we don’t know, have called us to express their thanks; many people who have dedicated themselves to environment, nature and solar energy contribute to the promotion activities on their own will. We take this opportunity to once more thank the SOLAR ENERGY MAGAZINE, which always keeps abreast of current events, and we thank them “on behalf of everyone”.
5- Which criteria should the participants meet to win the competition? How are the winners going to be determined? How and when are the results going to be announced?
As I said before, the paintings received for the competition will be published on our internet site and put to vote. The students who own the first 5 paintings that receive the majority of the votes at the end of the campaign will win the competition. The results of the competition will be announced on our internet site by June 10th, 2008. In addition, one piece of solar panel will be gifted to the 1st, 50th, 100th, 250th and 500th participants
6- Let’s talk about the most amusing part of the competition. Which awards will the today’s little and tomorrow’s big brains get when they win the competition?
_ The students who own the first most-voted 5 paintings will be granted one piece of real solar energy lighting set.
_ The content of the lighting set: 1 piece of Solar Panel, 1 piece of Solar Charging regulator, 1 piece of maintenance-free and dry battery charger and CFL energy saving lamp.
_ 1 piece of Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) will be gifted to the school of the students owning the first most-voted 5 paintings (to operate the computers). This gift will be submitted to the principal of the school.
_ The 1st, 50th, 100th, 250th and 500th students enrolled in the competition will be gifted 1 piece of 1 Watt real Solar Panel.
_ The mentioned lighting set materials are not toys. They consist of real and functional products and operate with nominal 12 Volt DC.
_ The photos and details of the gifts are given on our campaign page (the gift photos are of totally real and functional products).
_ The materials inside the sets will be given unassembled.
_ The receiver will have full responsibility for assembly, connection, cabling, operation etc. (If necessary, technical support will be provided during the assembly work).
_ The gifts will be sent by cargo within Turkey and Northern Cyprus.
_ The cargo fee shall be pain advance by us and addressed to the name of the guardian or the advisor teacher. The receivers should take delivery of the goods after checking them first.
7- Finally, would you give us information about the status of the Solar Energy sector in our country?
There is individual interest in solar energy and solar energy is used in limited number of key areas in our country as well. However, as everyone knows, solar energy is widely used in European countries where they get little sun. We, on the other hand, live on a much luckier climate zone. We have a lot of potential both in terms of solar energy and wind energy. In fact, it feels so hard to watch the days go by without using the energy systems which are as clean as the water running out of the tap. Now everyone should take some responsibility already. Our low income level and purchasing power may be seen as a disadvantage. But we should not forget that we have the opportunity to obtain more energy with fewer materials and initial investments thanks to our natural advantages. There is also the ‘saving’ aspect of the matter, why don’t we use it, for instance, for lighting in the first place? The CFL energy saving lamps and LED fittings and projector units are very suitable to practice use of such energy. It seems that government loans for these investments and government’s receiving back of the production surplus is the only and most effective solution for the beginning. Thus, the initial investment cost and the period of return will become attractive to people. We believe that wide-spread use and practice will only take place after taking these measures. The little energy friends are working on it, what about us?
8- It is undoubtedly an interesting and innovative activity…
You are right, maybe we shouldn’t be too modest. This is the first activity conducted in Turkey both for its extent and its content. We made interviews and provided information to many magazines, and the project was discussed in many environmental programs, for example in ‘Tam Zamanı’ (It’s about time) program of TRT-2. We place emphasis on the little clean energy friends and their interest in the matter. We will have other surprises for them. We will send magazines and exhibition invitations to the schools through the students. In addition, their paintings will be displayed in 2009 SOLAR ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES FAIR, and thus they will be able to see their own works. We take this opportunity to thank www.gunesenerji.com, who undertook a social responsibility that is beyond a standard fair organization. |